We have seen the headlines, read the articles, cried tears when we first read the Victim Impact Statement, yet we only knew her as Emily Doe, but its time to Know Her Name. Chanel Miller. The survivor!
After reading this, I now know that Chanel Miller is an artist, a writer and a comedian. Chanel Miller is Chinese-American, has a sister, a dog named Mogu and an unwavering spirit that could not be destroyed by the legal system which was stacked against her.
Chanel's writing is so strong and descriptive that you would feel like a fly on the wall throughout this entire turbulent and tiring time in her life. You'll be dancing and drinking at the same party with Chanel on the night of January 17, 2015. You will feel like one of the lights in the hospital room, illuminating Chanel as the SART nurses were collecting evidence. You could place yourself in the joyous room where Chanel delivered her comedic stylings. You might even find your anger growing as you sit in the pews on Chanel's side in court.
'Trauma was refusing to adhere to any schedule, didn't seem to align itself with time. Some days it was distant as a star and other days it could wholly engulf me.' If this isn't the realest and most relatable two sentences I've read, then I don't know what is. Chanel Miller so exceptionally writes the truth and creates a relatable space with the adversity and pain she felt throughout her ordeal. She uses analogies to describe her agony and her growth, making this memoir one which we could all resonate with through our own traumas.
I read the second edition release of Know My Name which included a new Afterword from Chanel Miller. Chanel discusses how she reached the decision of coming out and releasing her identity, how she knew the positive impact she would create by putting a name and face to her words was greater than the feared implications. Chanel talks about her experience as she was interviewed for the first time by 60 Minutes and how on September 4th, 2019 she was re-born into the world when her name and photo was released.
Article Snippet: https://www.thecut.com/2019/09/chanel-miller-from-brock-turner-case-wants-us-to-know-her-name.html
I have had a few friends and family ask me what I would classify this book as. An autobiography? Self-Help? I truly believe that Know My Name by Chanel Miller is a Self-Love Memoir. She discusses her turmoil with such conviction that one can see her growth and strength through her healing. Chanel persists through her pain and continues to grow her passions in writing and artistry - her major outlets in learning to heal and love herself again.
Chanel inspired not just national but international conversations and action about sexual assault in university and college settings along with the manner which the court system views victims survivors. I re-call my own university in Sydney, Australia - on the other side of the world - introducing a consent module which was to be completed before our results for the semester would be released. It was an action taken to ensure that students and staff of the university have 'a shared understanding of healthy relationships and can help if they see unacceptable situations.' She inspired many other survivors and victims to speak up and reach out for support.
I am so glad I got to know Chanel Miller through her story and know her as so much more than Emily Doe. Chanel Miller was worth more than three months! Chanel Miller is worth more than three months! Chanel Miller will always be worth more than three months!
Link to Victim Impact Statement
Links to Sexual Support Services in Australia
In case of Emergency or if Life is in Immediate Danger, Dial 000.
Completed on: 11th April 2021
University of Technology, Sydney. (2018). Consent Matters Training. Available: https://www.uts.edu.au/partners-and-community/initiatives/social-justice-uts/equity-and-diversity/training-and-development/consent-matters-training. Last accessed 12th April 2021.
Trigger Warning for anyone wishing to read this book: Sexual Assault, Suicide, Rape, Mental Illness, Death, Mass Shootings
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