The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

Completed: 9th January 2021

Once I started reading, I couldn't pry myself away from this short, but precious novel. 
Antoine De Saint-Exupéry has created an effortless read that would leave a child mesmerised by the adventure and curiosity, but leave an adult questioning their surroundings, virtue and purpose. 

I love getting lost in an author's words as they describe the surroundings of the characters; it's my favourite part of reading and what brings me so much joy when I read fiction. Saint-Exupéry beautifully describes the simplest of artefacts in a manner which brought a new light to how I view (or imagine) them as I read. Each chapter brought about a new adventure, with a new landscape to imagine and get excited about. This trait of the book is what made it so difficult to put down, so much so that I finished the whole book within three hours.  

'It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.' A reoccurring theme within the book is to search beneath the surface to find that which is truly important. It is an alluring message which challenges us to open up our mind, heart and soul.

Written in the 20th century, The Little Prince is a true gem to the literary world, and I'm sure you would also be left gobsmacked by the brilliance from Antoine De Saint-Exupéry.
